February J, 2023 Port News
Re-opening of the Alexandria Port Authority's straits to navigation

The General Authority of Alexandria Port reopened the strait at exactly 7:30 am today, Wednesday, corresponding to 8/2/2023, after the relative stability of the weather conditions, as the navigation movement and the circulation of goods returned to normal. Mr. Rear Admiral / Nihad Shaheen - Chairman of the Board of Directors - has directed to continue monitoring weather observations in anticipation of any weather fluctuations that may require the re-closure of the Bughaz, in order to preserve lives, ships and marine docks, in order to prevent any occurrence of any ….

February J, 2023 Port News
Closing the sea straits

Due to bad weather conditions and atmospheric fluctuations, such as an increase in the percentage of fog and its impact on the fields of vision, a rise in waves and wind speed, and in the interest of individuals and property, the gases of the General Authority for Alexandria and Dekheila Ports

January J, 2022 Port News
Opening the gas port of Alexandria

قامت الهيئة العامة لميناء الأسكندرية بإعادة فتح البوغاز في تمام الساعة الثامنة والنصف من صباح اليوم الثلاثاء الموافق 11/1/2022 بعد الإستقرار النسبي للأحوال الجومائية ، حيث عادت حركة الملاحة وتداول البضائع إلى طبيعتها ؛ وقد وجه السيد الربان / طارق شاهين ـ رئيس مجلس الإدارة ـ بإستمرار متابعة الرصدات الجو مائية تحسبا لأية تقلبات جوية قد تستدعي إعادة غلق البوغاز وذلك حفاظاً على الأرواح والسفن والأرصفة البحرية منعاً لوقوع أية ….

January J, 2022 Port News
Bogar closure of the port of Alexandria

Due to the bad weather conditions and the climatic fluctuations due to the increase in the percentage of fog and its impact on the fields of vision and the rise in the waves and wind speed, and in the interest of individuals and property, the General Authority of Alexandria and Dekheila ports were closed at seven o’clock this morning, Monday, January 10, 2022 Until the weather conditions improve, Captain Tarek Shaheen, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Alexandria Port Authority, stressed all…

December J, 2021 Port News
The Alexandria Port Authority reopened Al-Boughaz at exactly nine thirty in the morning

قامت الهيئة العامة لميناء الأسكندرية بإعادة فتح البوغاز في تمام الساعة التاسعة والنصف من صباح اليوم الثلاثاء الموافق 2021/12/21 بعد الإستقرار النسبي للأحوال الجومائية ، حيث عادت حركة الملاحة وتداول البضائع إلى طبيعتها ؛ وقد وجه السيد الربان / طارق شاهين ـ رئيس مجلس الإدارة ـ بإستمرار متابعة الرصدات الجو مائية تحسبا لأية تقلبات جوية قد تستدعي إعادة غلق البوغاز وذلك حفاظاً على الأرواح والسفن والأرصفة البحرية منعاً لوقوع أية ….

December J, 2021 Port News
Opening the gas port of Alexandria

The Alexandria Port Authority reopened Al-Baghaz at exactly eleven o’clock this morning, Thursday, 9/12/2021, after the relative stability of the weather conditions, as the navigation and circulation of goods returned to normal; Captain / Tariq Shaheen, Chairman of the Board of Directors, directed to continue to follow up on the meteorological observations in anticipation of any weather fluctuations that might require re-closing the gases in order to preserve lives, ships and sea berths to prevent any….

December J, 2021 Port News
Opening the gas port of Alexandria

The General Authority of Alexandria Port reopened Al-Bugaz at exactly nine thirty-five minutes in the morning, Thursday, 2/12/2021, after the relative stability of the weather conditions, as the navigation and circulation of goods returned to normal; Captain / Tariq Shaheen - Chairman of the Board of Directors - directed to continue to follow up on meteorological observations in anticipation of any weather fluctuations that may require re-closing the gases in order to preserve lives, ships and sea berths to prevent….

December J, 2021 Port News
Strait state

Due to bad weather and gymnastics from a rise in waves and winds and the speed of individuals and the property, the General Authority for Alexandria and Al-Dakhila was closed on Wednesday morning 1 December 2021 and until the weather is improved

April J, 2021 Port News
Bogaz re-opening

The Alexandria Port Authority reopened Al-Boghaz at exactly six o'clock in the evening after the relative stability of the weather conditions, as the movement of navigation and the circulation of goods returned to normal. Mr. Captain / Tariq Shaheen, Chairman of the Board of Directors, instructed to continue monitoring the air-water observations in anticipation of any weather fluctuations that may require re-closing the Bougaz, in order to protect lives, ships and marinas to prevent any accidents or negative impacts 11/4/2021

February J, 2021 Port News
Opening the strait

The Alexandria Port Authority reopened the Strait at twelve o'clock in the afternoon after the relative stability of the air-water situation, as the movement of shipping & cargoes

Site guide

معلومات عن الهيئة العامة لميناء الإسكندرية

About Alexandria Port

معلومات جغرافيا عن ميناء الإسكندرية

Geographical information about the port of Dekheila

Services provided to clients

General reports and statistics for the port of Alexandria

المركز الإعلامى لهيئة ميناء الإسكندرية

أخبار هيئة ميناء الإسكندرية

إعلانات هيئة ميناء اتلإسكندرية

معرض الصور والفيديوهات لهيئة ميناء الإسكندرية