The great port of Alexandria


Welcomes you

June J, 2024 Port News
173 thousand tons of goods were handled by the General Authority of Alexandria Port within 24 hours

The movement of goods handling at the General Authority of Alexandria Port was organized within 24 hours, as approximately 173 thousand tons were traded during that period of various types of goods and strategic goods, including liquid bulk, dry bulk, general goods, and transit. Also, 2,100 equivalent containers were traded within 24 hours, with the number of imported containers reaching 1,130. equivalent container, while the number of export containers reached 970 containers, representing approximately 46.2% compared to export containers, in a noticeable convergence between...

June J, 2024 Port News
2,351 TEUs were handled at the General Authority of Alexandria Port within 24 hours

The movement of goods handling at the General Authority of Alexandria Port was organized within 24 hours, as approximately 146 thousand tons were traded during that period of various types of goods and strategic goods, including liquid bulk, dry bulk, general goods, and transit. Also, 2,351 equivalent containers were traded within 24 hours, with the number of imported containers reaching 1,081. equivalent container, while the number of export containers reached 943 containers, representing approximately 46.6% compared to the export containers, in a remarkable convergence...

Site guide

معلومات عن الهيئة العامة لميناء الإسكندرية

About Alexandria Port

معلومات جغرافيا عن ميناء الإسكندرية

Geographical information about the port of Dekheila

Services provided to clients

General reports and statistics for the port of Alexandria

فرص إستثمارية ومشروعات هيئة ميناء الإسكندرية
المركز الإعلامى لهيئة ميناء الإسكندرية

أخبار هيئة ميناء الإسكندرية

إعلانات هيئة ميناء اتلإسكندرية

معرض الصور والفيديوهات لهيئة ميناء الإسكندرية