Location Map | |
Longitude | East (29° 52′ 34.5252″) |
Latitude | North (31° 11′ 36.9492″) |
ISPS Code | 17350 code |
Zone Timing | GMT +2 |
Channel Code | Channel 9, 11, 13, 16 |
Natural Features | |
Weather | Wind direction north west with velocity in summer 2-3 on beaufort scale and 3-4 in winter |
Humidity | 1.30 |
Raining Seaon | Winter |
Tide rate | 0.46 m over the standard level |
Port Geoghraphical location | |
Dekheila port is a natural extension to Alexandria Port; constructions started in 1980 and the port operated partially in 1986 by operation of minerals berth. El-Dekheila port takes the place of the former Dekheila airport westward Alexandria port with 7 km. from sea and 10 km. from land View the map of Egypt.Click here |