May J, 2024 Port News
Alexandria Port Authority witnesses a significant increase in ship traffic by 26% during April 2024

The movement of cargoes handling at the General Authority of Alexandria Port witnessed a significant increase during the month of April 2024 compared to the month of April 2023, as liquid bulk cargoes topped the forefront of goods that witnessed a huge increase during the month of April by 68.9%, as approximately 661 thousand tons were handled during the aforementioned month, while Approximately 391 thousand tons were handled during the same month in 2023. The movement of containerized cargoes also witnessed an increase of 26.4%

May J, 2024 Port News
146 thousand tons were handled at the General Authority of Alexandria Port within 24 hours

Handling and navigation activity was organized at the General Authority of Alexandria Port during the past 24 hours, as 39 ships entered and exited in 24 hours to the berths of the ports of Alexandria and Dekheila. Work is currently underway to Stevedore 37 ships, most notably container, dry and liquid bulk ships

May J, 2024 Port News
The General Authority of Alexandria Port opens a yard for storing and handling containers and dangerous cargoes in accordance with the highest international standards for security and safety.

Under the directives of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers to tighten control over the transport, handling and storage of dangerous cargoes and environmentally polluting cargoes the General Authority of Alexandria Port today, Wednesday 15/5/2024, headed by Rear

May J, 2024 Port News
Regularity of navigation and cargo handling at the General Authority of Alexandria Port within 24 hours

The handling and navigation movement at the General Authority of Alexandria Port was regulated during the past 24 hours, as 35 ships entered and exited in 24 hours to the berths of the ports of Alexandria and EL - Dekheila, and work is currently underway to stevedore 39 ships, most notably container ships, dry bulk and liquid. Also, 2,068 TEUs were handled within 24 hours, with the number of imported containers reaching 1,178 TEUs, while the number of exported containers reached 890 TEUs,

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معلومات عن الهيئة العامة لميناء الإسكندرية

About Alexandria Port

معلومات جغرافيا عن ميناء الإسكندرية

Geographical information about the port of Dekheila

Services provided to clients

General reports and statistics for the port of Alexandria

المركز الإعلامى لهيئة ميناء الإسكندرية

أخبار هيئة ميناء الإسكندرية

إعلانات هيئة ميناء اتلإسكندرية

معرض الصور والفيديوهات لهيئة ميناء الإسكندرية