Alexandria port added a new electronic systems and applied the resolutions of ministry of finance about applying the electronic payment system

Alexandria port added a new electronic systems and applied the resolutions of ministry of finance about applying the electronic payment system

Alexandria port added a new electronic systems and applied the resolutions of ministry of finance about applying the electronic payment system Under the huge developing and fast movement of the ports & maritime transportation field in the world, and under the great importance of the Egyptian government to develop the role of the maritime ports to support the national economy the Alexandria port had many development and projects as the oldest port in the world to be pioneer in the middle east area by enhance and facilitate the world maritime trade in Egypt, through providing the compete ports services and enhancing the receiving capacity of the port to face the needs of the customers in the future ,these investments and projects help the port to be able to attract the trade and maritime transport it became also distinguish over the\Egyptian ports, from these projects is modernize the electronic system in the authority, in the field of securing the information technology data the electronic system in the port where we have now special systems of electronic integrated between the port and nominated department by achieving the principle G2G, G2B where we activate the integration between the port society and the safety authority activating the join between the port authority and the ministry of planning, achieving the join with social insurance and the department of taxes, raising the efficiency in the integrated system to receive number from the labor department in high speed to exchange data, it’s also raised the electronic paying system efficiency in the port authority system by putting disconnect electronic paying from the other system in the port authority. We registered the data of loading and unloading of containers companies, we have now a resource to revise the details of the manifest and the customs clearance that belong to the other nominated departments in the port, we rearranged also the integrated data organized to the information bank of the maritime transport sector with activate new data, disconnect the data between Alexandria and ElDekheila to facilitate the work for them, we modernize the work for them, we modernize the electronic walls and the switches to the electronic department and it’s system in Alexandria and ElDekheila, we also modernize and develop the television control programs in all yards, berths, public and branches roads in the port, we adjust, preparing and operating the new storage unit (900 IBM Flash) and replace the old ones, adjust, preparing and operating the clearances and the special programs in the system of the (Virtual Servers) adjust, preparing and operating the protecting programs from viruses and the trend micro which overcome and decrease from viruses and how to treat with them, adjust, preparing and operating the programs of Varitas net backup, we contracted to replace and renew (operating servers) in the electronic department because the sets became old and they don’t coping with the modern technology which were supplied in 2007 and now there are new and modern machines for work circles and programs in the systems of bills and clearance, ships movement, loading and unloading, gates, general cargo, storage, warehouses and the people who connected with the port, and now we are executing the (ERP) where we executed 70% from these programs until now, we also modernized in the field of insurance in building, constructions, control cameras where we also developed modernized television control programs by fixing control cameras in all yards, berths, public and branches roads and

also the outer and inner constructions, entrance and exits gates, electronic balances with 110 cameras in ElDekhila port and 210 in Alexandria port with high technical and efficiency technology systems and follow the control work all 24 hours. The authority activate the issued resolutions through the ministry of finance about executing the electronic paying system in the port and now we are paying all the money they wanted for labors and the people who treat with the authority through an electronic paying system. we also mechanized the financial department and join it with all departments in order to be accurate in details and the work will be speedy. 30-1-2019

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