October J, 2021 Port News
Alexandria Port Authority witnessed a remarkable activity in cargoes handling and shipping movement during the last 48 hours

The Alexandria Port Authority witnessed a remarkable activity in the navigational movement and the movement of goods handling during the past forty-eight hours. Especially in the volume of imported and

July J, 2020 Port News
Activity in Ship, Cargoes and trucks movement, stevedoring ratios in Alexandria Port

Reda ElGhandour the formal speaker of Alexandria Port Authority said: that the port witnesses an activity in work flow Sunday 12th of June 2020, whereas 64 ships where in the port, 7 ships arrived, 6 ships Departed the port, 20Ships in berths operating stevedoring, 1 of them are Containers ships,

July J, 2020 Port News
بيان حركة العمل بمينائي الإسكندرية والدخيلة اليوم الإثنين الموافق 6 يوليو 2020

نشاط في حركة السفن والبضائع والشاحنات ، ومعدلات الشحن والتفريغ بميناء الإسكندرية قال رضا الغندور المتحدث الرسمي باسم الهيئة العامة لميناء الاسكندريه أن الميناء يشهد نشاطا في حركة العمل اليوم الاثنين الموافق 6 يوليو 2020 حيث تواجد بالميناء 86 سفينة ، و وصلت 14 سفينة ، وغادرت 12 سفن ، وبلغ عدد السفن العاملة علي الأرصفة في الشحن والتفريغ 30 سفينة جاري تفريغهم ، كما تواجد بالمخطاف الداخلي عدد 4 ….

June J, 2020 Port News
Activity in the movement of ships, goods, and trucks, and the rates of loading and unloading in Alexandria port

قال رضا الغندور المتحدث الرسمي باسم الهيئة العامة لميناء الاسكندريه أن الميناء يشهد نشاطا في حركة العمل اليوم الثلاثاء الموافق 30 يونيه 2020 حيث تواجد بالميناء 71 سفينة ، وبلغ عدد السفن العاملة علي شحن وتفريغ علي الأرصفة 31 سفينة جاري تفريغهم ، منهم 4 سفن حاويات ، وعدد 5 سفن بترول ، وعدد 18 سفينة بضائع عامة ، كما تواجد بالمخطاف الداخلي عدد 4 سفن علي متنها 132 ألف ….

June J, 2020 Port News
Activity in the movement of ships, goods, and trucks, and the rates of loading and unloading in Alexandria port

Reda El-Ghandour, The formal speaker of the General Authority of Alexandria Port, said that the port witnesses an activity in the work flow, Friday, June 19, 2020, 79 ships were present in the port, 11 general cargo ships, and 5 dry bulk vessels, a ferry, there were also 6 ships with soybeans, wheat, wood, on board and shale, there were 22 ships in the outer anchor, including 4 container ships, nine general cargo ships, seven ships Dry bulk, two liquid bulk vessels, 13,000 general trucks have been in and out of the port during the past 24 hours.

May J, 2020 Port News
Activity in the movement of ships, goods, and trucks, and the rates of loading and unloading in Alexandria port

  Reda El-Ghandour, spokesman of General Authority of Alexandria Port, said that the port is witnessing an activity in the work movement today, Tuesday 26 May 2020, where there were 69 ships, number of ships operating on the docks reached 27 vessels being unloaded, including 5 container ships, 2 oil ships.

May J, 2020 Port News
Activity in the movement of ships and trucks, loading and unloading works in Alexandria port

  Captain \Tarik Shaheen, Chairman of General Authority of Alexandria Port, instructed the concerned authorities and port workers to take all pressures and precautions to protect themselves and protect others from the dangers of the new Corona virus, Shaheen demanded for the necessity of commitment to personal protection, commitment to keeping away socially, following all the protocols that it published and recommended The Egyptian Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization to limit the spread of the virus (Covid 19).

May J, 2020 Port News
An activity in the movement of ships and trucks and the work of loading and unloading in Alexandria Port and Chairman of the port congratulates workers on Labor Day

  Captain \ Tarik Shaheen, Chairman of Alexandria Port Authority sent a telegram of congratulations to all the employees of the concerned authorities in the port on the occasion of Labor Day, saying: "On the occasion of Labor Day, as I appreciate the efforts that you are making to realize success and push the national march to more progress and advancement, and to reach the port of Alexandria to international, asking God Almighty to grant us all a happy new year

April J, 2020 Port News
The flow of cargoes and commodities related to food and petroleum products to Alexandria port with the intensification of sterilization procedures to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus

  Captain \ Tarik Shaheen, Chairman of Alexandria Port Authority, said that the port's specialists realize the importance of receiving products that provide food for Egyptians, as well as petroleum and medical materials, and for this purpose, facilitating and speeding the loading and unloading operations at the port over the twenty-four hours with the strengthening of precautionary procedures of protecting from the spread of the Covid virus - 19.

March J, 2020 Port News
انتظام الحركة وأعمال الشحن والتفريغ بمينائي الإسكندرية والدخيلة رغم سوء الأحوال الجوية

انتظام الحركة وأعمال الشحن والتفريغ بمينائي الإسكندرية والدخيلة رغم سوء الأحوال الجوية أكد الربان طارق شاهين رئيس هيئة ميناء الإسكندرية اليوم الجمعة 13 مارس 2020 علي انتظام أعمال الشحن والتفريغ ، وانتظام حركة السفن والشاحنات والبضائع رغم سوء الأحوال الجوية حيث تراوحت سرعة الرياح ما بين 30 – 35 عقدة ، وارتفاع الأمواج ما بين 3 – 5 متر ، وقال أن الإدارة المركزية للحركة بالميناء تقوم بمتابعة قياسات الرصدة ….

Site guide

معلومات عن الهيئة العامة لميناء الإسكندرية

About Alexandria Port

معلومات جغرافيا عن ميناء الإسكندرية

Geographical information about the port of Dekheila

Services provided to clients

General reports and statistics for the port of Alexandria

المركز الإعلامى لهيئة ميناء الإسكندرية

أخبار هيئة ميناء الإسكندرية

إعلانات هيئة ميناء اتلإسكندرية

معرض الصور والفيديوهات لهيئة ميناء الإسكندرية