Within the framework of the solidarity of all state agencies concerned with tourism to implement the directives of the political leadership towards encouraging tourism and the instructions of Lieutenant General / Kamel El-Wazir - Deputy Prime Minister for Industrial Development and Minister of Industry and Transport, the Alexandria Port Authority, headed by Major General / Ahmed Hawash - Chairman of the Board of Directors - received the cruise ship Astoria Grande this morning, Saturday 3/8/2025. It is noteworthy that the cruise ship flying the Palau flag is the agency of the agency company....
The trading and navigation movements at the Alexandria Port Authority were regular during the past 24 hours, as the volume of goods handled at the Alexandria and Dekheila ports reached approximately 209 thousand tons during that period of various types of goods and strategic commodities, in addition to other quantities of containerized and transit goods. The most prominent of these are dry bulk goods, the volume of which reached 127.3 thousand tons, and 2630 TEUs were handled during 24 hours, as the number of imported containers reached 1320 TEUs.
The Alexandria Port Authority, headed by Major General Ahmed Abdel Moaty Hawash - Chairman of the Board of Directors - hosted an international operatic concert on the passenger terminal pier on Saturday evening, February 15, 2025, as part of the celebration organized with the Italian side on the occasion of the docking of the Italian warship "Amarigo Vespucci" at the port during the period from 12-18/2/2025,
Within the framework of the Alexandria Port Authority's societal role and its keenness to care for the human element and take care of workers as the most important resource of the Authority, Major General / Ahmed Abdel-Moaty Hawash - Chairman of the Board of Directors - and Major General / Mahmoud Abdel-Fattah - Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors for Investment - honored the Alexandria Port Authority's five-a-side football team and the technical
Alexandria Port Authority succeeded in 2024 in achieving the highest rates of ship and cargo movement in its history, as the total quantities of goods handled reached 74.4 million tons during 2024 compared to 58.4 million tons in 2023, a difference of 16 million tons, an increase of 27.4%. A significant leap was achieved in the quantities
The Alexandria Port Authority, headed by Major General /Ahmed Abdel Moaty Hawash, Chairman of the Board of Directors, hosted a high-level delegation from the Kenyan ports, headed by Mr./ William Ruto, Chief Administrative Officer of the Kenyan Ports Authority
The Alexandria Port Authority received on Monday, January 27, 2025, a high-level Algerian delegation headed by Mr./ Abdelhak Boukhrouba, Director of the Merchant Marine at the Ministry of Transport. The delegation was received by Major General / Tarek Abdullah, Head of the Maritime Transport and Logistics Sector, and Major General Ahmed Abdel Moaty Hawash / Chairman
On Thursday, January 16, 2025, Major General / Nihad Shaheen - Deputy Minister of Transport for Maritime Transport witnessed the final signing of the contract to grant the commitment to establish and develop the superstructure, use, manage, operate, exploit, maintain and redeliver an integrated services logistics station for handling and storing clean dry bulk goods on the sea berth 85/3 in Alexandria Port with Egypt Holland Stevedoring Services Company (EDSCO). Mr. …. signed on behalf of Alexandria Port Authority.
Alexandria Port Authority, headed by Rear Admiral Ahmed Abdel Moaty Hawash - Chairman of the Board of Directors, received a delegation from the International Maritime Organization headed by Mr. Ivaylo Valev, Director of the Eastern European, North African and Middle East Division for Technical Cooperation at the International Maritime Organization (IMO), in light of the ongoing preparations for the opening of the IMO Regional Office in the Arab Republic of Egypt. The IMO delegation was accompanied by specialists from the Authority...
Within the framework of the "Bidaya" initiative launched by Mr. /President of the Republic and based on the national and national role of the Alexandria Port Authority and the directives of Lieutenant General Kamel El-Wazir, Deputy Prime Minister for Industrial Development and Minister of Industry and Transport, the Alexandria Port Authority held an educational seminar today in cooperation with the Customs Media Complex entitled "Loyalty and Belonging to the Nation and Building the Human Being" within the activities of the internal media sector's campaign "Check before you believe" which aims to confront rumors and plans to destabilize internal security and negatively impact citizens.