The great port of Alexandria


Welcomes you

What are the procedures submitted to the arrival passengers?

1-The Egyptian arrival passengers :

a- Revising the passport and concur it with its owner and applying any legal procedures agniest the violator . b-Issueing an arrival card to every passport ,recording down each of the arrival companions in the passport ,ID and passport will be sealed with the arrival seal and if the companion age is over 16 year the guardian has to write down a commitment to draw him a separate passport . c-The same previous rules will be applied when the citizen arrived with an expired passport . d-The same previous rules will be applied when the arrival has a marine or private or diplomatic passport. e-When a citizen arrived with a temporary passport ( because of its losting …….est ) the passport officer has to investigate the personality and excute the instructions that must be followed in such case and permit him to enter the country with a separated card.

2-the foreign passenger :

a-He has to carry a valid passport from a public authority or any other authority that has the validation to do so that give him the permission to be back to his countery and he may be given a previous enterance visa or compulsory visa in return of 15$ . b- Permit the citizens from ( ITaly – Jermany – Belguin – france portogal) to enter the country with identification card. c-The passport has to be valid for at least 2 months from the end of the accommodation given . -In all previous cases the arrival card should be issuing for the non Egyptian resident and the passport should be sealed and the permitted accommodation should be determined according to the instructions. Remark 1 it is not allowable to issue any visa or passport from un admitted country by Egypt's government or issued through an agreement not signed by Egypt. remark 2 the enterance of the non resident through Egypt may be because of passing by and not for resident with the condition that Egypt must be in his transit to the targted countery and approved within his passport or document and he must has an enterance visa to the selected country and a confirmed airline ticket within a week.

What are the most common steps that must be followed to have a daily pass?
1- Submit an official letter from the interested party to the targeted party (gate 22 the place where the pass can be extracted ) including the following items : a- Name. b- Id number c- Birth date . d- The reason for the visit. 2- The interested person must go to Gate 22 to finish procedures. 3- The interested person should bring an application for a daily pass (near the gate) & it needs to be filled. 4- The letter and the. application gathered with a carbon copy of the ID should be submitted to the employee. 5- The original ID must be submitted to be reviewed. 6- The pass will be extracted immediately after paper has been reviewed and accepted.
How to use the services provided to subscribers only?
1- Submission of mooring request. 2- Monitoring the vessels traffic inside the port. (For more details please login using your own username and password) How to submit the mooring request and explore the vessels position inside the port? 1- In the user menu there is a link called SPS Online (Smart Port Solution). 2- Reconfirming the username and password once again for highly data secure, after logging in select (port-port management system ) from the upper menu then a side menu will appear to the right of the screen with a name of vessels movements and after having a click the two services will appeare in such way : A -"Maritime agency requests "then click upon this service the screen of submitting the mooring request will appear and through which we can submit the new request, asking for maritime service request , vessel movement request whereas every single agency should has its own data and requests that have been submitted . B -"Current Vessels position" this services will show the vessel position concerning its name, nationality, type, agent, arrival date, departure date and berth no. within the 24 hours.
What procedures must be taken if the vessel's data was incorrect?
- First: vessel's data must be revised well whether identical (totally or partially) with Lloyd's List which loaded in our data base. - If not, agency must send vessel's certificate of registration to the port. - Agency must deliver it (vessel's certificate of registration) to any logistic center all over the port(Gate11,Gate27,Gate54). - Same berthing request will be resent once again by the agency.
What is time limited for berthing request to be cancelled?

- Berthing request will be considered cancelled, if 24 hours passed from the date of expected arrival reported in the berthing request and vessel didn't arrive or the agency didn't ask to change the date of expected arrival.

- Agency is allowable to edit the date of expected arrival within the 24 hours from the former date of expected arrival. - Berthing request will be automatically cancelled from the system.

How to obtain a monthly pass (employees & visitors)?
Employees : 1- ID (photo copy) + personal photo. 2- monthely pass application form. 3- approved by the general manger. 4- sealed from permits department. 5- monthly fees to be paid. Visitors : 1- Send a fax because of the visit with the name of the delegated person + ID(photo copy). 2- to be sure of the validity of the data. 3- send a letter to the security manger. 4- installing some security measures. 5- sealed from permits department. 6- Delivered from the appropriate offices. 7- monthly fees to be paid.
what-is-the-min-mandatory-period-supposed-to-be-valid-for-sending-berthing-request ؟
-Agency can send berthing request by at least 48 hours from the date of expected arrival. -Berthing request for(tourism/containers/ferries)vessel must be submitted by at least 24hours from the date of expected arrival.
What are the steps that should be followed to upload Baplie file?
1. Login using your own password and user name that has been activated through your subscription. 2. Assigned menu to the user must be appeared. 3. Send( Baplie file). 4. Select categories (Baplie file 95B). 5. File extension must be EDI. 6. Submit (new). 7. Select categories. 8. Browse. 9. Upload File. 10. Select categories. 11. Save

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معلومات عن الهيئة العامة لميناء الإسكندرية

About Alexandria Port

معلومات جغرافيا عن ميناء الإسكندرية

Geographical information about the port of Dekheila

Services provided to clients

General reports and statistics for the port of Alexandria

فرص إستثمارية ومشروعات هيئة ميناء الإسكندرية
المركز الإعلامى لهيئة ميناء الإسكندرية

أخبار هيئة ميناء الإسكندرية

إعلانات هيئة ميناء اتلإسكندرية

معرض الصور والفيديوهات لهيئة ميناء الإسكندرية