شهد السيد اللواء بحري / نهاد شاهين – نائب وزير النقل للنقل البحري يوم الخميس الموافق 16 يناير 2025 التوقيع النهائي على عقد منح إلتزام إنشاء وتطوير البنية الفوقية واستخدام وإدارة وتشغيل واستغلال وصيانة وإعادة تسليم محطة لوجستية متكاملة الخدمات لتداول وتخزين بضائع الصب الجاف النظيف على الرصيف البحري 85/3 بميناء الأسكندرية مع شركة مصر هولندا لخدمات الشحن والتفريغ (إدسكو). وقد قام بالتوقيع عن هيئه ميناء الاسكندريه السيد ….
قامت الهيئة العامة لميناء الأسكندرية برئاسة السيد اللواء بحري / أحمد عبد المعطي حواش – رئيس مجلس الإدارة باستقبال وفد من المنظمة البحرية الدولية برئاسة السيد / إيفايلو فاليف مدير القسم الشرق أوروبي وشمال أفريقيا والشرق الأوسط بالتعاون التقني بالمنظمة البحرية الدولية IMO وذلك في ظل الإستعدادات الجارية لإفتتاح المكتب اللإقليمي للمنظمة البحرية الدولية في جمهورية مصر العربية. هذا وقد إصطحب وفد المنظمة البحرية الدولية السادة المختصين بكل من الهيئة ….
Within the framework of the "Bidaya" initiative launched by Mr. /President of the Republic and based on the national and national role of the Alexandria Port Authority and the directives of Lieutenant General Kamel El-Wazir, Deputy Prime Minister for Industrial Development and Minister of Industry and Transport, the Alexandria Port Authority held an educational seminar today in cooperation with the Customs Media Complex entitled "Loyalty and Belonging to the Nation and Building the Human Being" within the activities of the internal media sector's campaign "Check before you believe" which aims to confront rumors and plans to destabilize internal security and negatively impact citizens.
إنتظمت حركتي التداول والملاحة بالهيئة العامة لميناء الأسكندرية خلال الـ 24 ساعة الماضية حيث جرى العمل على شحن وتفريغ عدد 31 سفينة وهم 15 سفينة بضائع عامة و 11 سفينة صب جاف و 3 سفن حاويات و 2 سفن صب سائل كما تم تداول 4095 حاوية مكافئة خلال 24 ساعة حيث بلغت أعداد الحاويات الوارد 2150 حاوية مكافئة بينما بلغت أعداد الحاويات الصادر 1945 حاوية بما يمثل 47.5% تقريبا مما ….
Alexandria Port Authority, headed by Major General Ahmed Abdel Moaty Hawash, Chairman of the Board of Directors, received the latest addition to its fleet of marine units, the marine tug Mukhtar, which was built by Egyptian hands to be a new addition to the Authority’s capabilities and another step towards raising its operational capabilities and improving the level of marine services provided to
Within the framework of the general policy of the state and the Ministry of Transport's orientation towards supporting and developing the human element, a cooperation protocol was signed today between the Alexandria Port Authority and the Institute of Literary Studies in King Mariout in various training fields, especially with regard to land surveying systems, GIS and map preparation. This was signed on behalf of the Alexandria Port Authority by Major General / Ahmed Abdel Moaty Hawash - Chairman of the Board of Directors - and on behalf of the Institute of Literary Studies...
The handling and navigation movements were regular during the last 24 hours, as 41 ships were stevedored, including 22 general cargo ships, 9 dry bulk ships, 5 container ships, and 5 liquid bulk ships. 3574 TEUs were also handled during 24 hours, as the number of imported containers reached 1673 TEUs, while the number of exported containers reached 1514 containers, representing approximately 47.5%, which constitutes a great convergence
Within the framework of the societal role of the Alexandria Port Authority and its interest in highlighting the economic aura and major development projects implemented by the Alexandria Port Authority within the framework of the comprehensive plan of the Ministry of Transport, the Authority, headed by Major General Ahmed Hawash, Chairman of the Board of Directors, hosted a large number of members of the Faculty of Science Alumni Association, headed by Major General Ahmed Fahmy, former Senior Teacher of the Maritime College and current Chairman of the Faculty of Science Alumni Association. The visit included introducing them to the role of the Alexandria Port Authority, its facilities, activities, development plans, investment projects, and its vital role in the transportation, logistics, and supply chains, with a focus on the environmental dimension of the port and its plans to transform into a green port in light of the general direction of the state.
Within the framework of the directives of Lieutenant General Kamel El-Wazir - Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Industry and Transport towards continuous work on developing performance rates in Egyptian ports, in order to achieve the vision of transforming into a global center for transportation, trade and logistics. The movement of goods handling at the Alexandria Port Authority witnessed a significant increase during the month of November 2024 compared to November 2023 in all types of goods, as general goods topped the list of goods that witnessed a qualitative leap....
The trading and navigation movements witnessed remarkable activity during the past 24 hours, as 43 ships were loaded and unloaded, including 20 general cargo ships, 11 dry bulk ships, 7 container ships, and 5 liquid bulk ships. 3962 TEUs were also traded during the 24 hours, as the number of imported containers reached 1814 TEUs, while the number of exported containers reached 1773 TEUs, representing approximately 49.4%, which constitutes a great convergence between containers....