Site Map |
Fallaga |
Longitude |
East (29° 52′ 34.5252″) |
Latitude |
North (31° 11′ 36.9492″) |
Zone Timing |
GMT +2 |
Channel Code |
Channel 10 11 13 14 67 & channel 16 for calling |
ISPS Code |
14726 |
Nature Features |
Weather |
Wind direction north west with velocity in summer 2-3 on beaufort scale and 3-4 in winter |
Humidity |
1.30 |
Raining Season |
Winter |
Tide Rate |
0.46 over the standard level |
Port Geographical Location |
Alexandria is located at the western edge of the Nile Delta between the Mediterranean Sea and Lake Mariout. In terms of its importance, it is the second city in the Arab Republic of Egypt and its main port. More than three quarters of the country’s foreign trade passes through it. The eastern and the second in the western port are separated by a peninsula in the shape of the letter (T) and the eastern port is shallow and is not used in navigation, while the western port actually constitutes what was termed the port of Alexandria, and the port is bounded by the imaginary line connecting the two ends of the two outer breakwaters.
To display the map of the Arab Republic of Egypt View the map of Egypt.Click here |