132 thousand ton handled, 2986 Container, 8369 General Trucks at Alexandria Port during 24 hours

Captain \ Tarik Shaheen, Chairman of The General Authority of Alexandria Port, said that: The port witnesses an activity in the work movement, Sunday July 24th 2020, where there 64 ships, 10 ships arrived, 13 ships left, the number of ships operating on the berths in stevedoring reached to be 28 ships among them container ships, general cargo ships, liquid bulk vessels being unloaded, also there are also 2 ships in the internal anchor unloading 119 thousand ton of soya and Coal, 19 ships in the outer anchor, 8369 general trucks entered and exited the port during the last 24 hours. Reda El-Ghandour the formal speaker of the port said that: The cargo movement department has registered and followed the movement of stevedoring as imported cargoes with weight 111 thousand tons are being unloaded, exported cargoes with weight 21 thousand tons are being loaded, the number of exported containers reached to be 1318 containers, While the number of imports reached to be 1668 containers. Reda El-Ghandour added that: Captain \ Shaheen Chairman of APA instructed the concerned departments to take all procedures to Facilitate enter and exit, stevedoring of trucks and cargoes also he instructed to do the best effort to increase the rates of stevedoring, stressing on the necessity of taking all precautionary measures approved by the Egyptian government and the World Health Organization to protect from the emerging corona virus. 24-7-2020
وقال رضا الغندور المتحدث الرسمي باسم الميناء أن إدارة حركة البضائع سجلت وتابعت حركة الشحن والتفريغ حيث يجري تفريغ بضائع واردة تزن 111 ألف طن ، ويجري شحن بضائع صادرة تزن 21 ألف طن ، وبلغ عدد الحاويات الصادرة 1318 حاوية ، بينما بلغ عدد الواردة 1668 حاوية ، وأضاف الغندور أن رئيس هيئة الميناء وجه الإدارات المختصة لاتخاذ كافة الإجراءات لتسهيل دخول وخروج ، وشحن وتفريغ الشاحنات والبضائع ، و وجه أيضاً ببذل أقصي جهد لزيادة معدلات الشحن والتفريغ ، مشدداً علي ضرورة الاستمرار في اتخاذ كافة الإجراءات الاحترازية ألتي أقرتها الحكومة المصرية ومنظمة الصحة العالمية للوقاية من فيروس كورونا المستجد 26-7-2020 .

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