
  I am glad to congratulate all my Christian brothers truth full, sincerely congratulations on the occasion of the feast of resurrection , hope from God almighty to preserve our great Egypt of all harm and to enjoy it's our people with greeting spirit fraternity, peace and security and that the development wheel continues and prosperity under the leadership of president Abdel Fattah El-SISI also I send special Congratulationto our Christian brother who work in Alexandria port, praying to Allah almighty to protect the sons of Egypt and to prevail friendliness and love, to a means of dealing the homeland Captin / Tarik Shaheen Ali Shaheen Chairmen Alex .port

Site guide

معلومات عن الهيئة العامة لميناء الإسكندرية

About Alexandria Port

معلومات جغرافيا عن ميناء الإسكندرية

Geographical information about the port of Dekheila

Services provided to clients

General reports and statistics for the port of Alexandria

المركز الإعلامى لهيئة ميناء الإسكندرية

أخبار هيئة ميناء الإسكندرية

إعلانات هيئة ميناء اتلإسكندرية

معرض الصور والفيديوهات لهيئة ميناء الإسكندرية