The great port of Alexandria


Welcomes you

Day of the Mediterranean

Ministers of Culture of the Euro-Mediterranean region called to “promote new joint initiatives to foster culture-led development and regeneration, on the model of the European Capital of Culture, in coordination with the Union for the Mediterranean, taking into account similar initiatives. the organisation of such event would enhance the role of citizens’ initiatives and the ‎civil society, as it ‎stimulate networking and exchanges, promote talents and innovations of ‎Mediterranean actors, while stimulating investment into infrastructure and land planning. The UfM and the ALF designed and launched the Mediterranean Capitals of Culture & Dialogue initiative, in close cooperation and coordination with the young civil society representatives at its origins, as well as the UfM member states, through a collaborative and open approach, dedicating a World Maritime Day shaped to further promote the diversity and shared identity of the Euro-Mediterranean region and contribute to a better mutual understanding of its peoples

Site guide

معلومات عن الهيئة العامة لميناء الإسكندرية

About Alexandria Port

معلومات جغرافيا عن ميناء الإسكندرية

Geographical information about the port of Dekheila

Services provided to clients

General reports and statistics for the port of Alexandria

فرص إستثمارية ومشروعات هيئة ميناء الإسكندرية
المركز الإعلامى لهيئة ميناء الإسكندرية

أخبار هيئة ميناء الإسكندرية

إعلانات هيئة ميناء اتلإسكندرية

معرض الصور والفيديوهات لهيئة ميناء الإسكندرية